Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sultan Of Brunei

The Sultan of Brunei's wealth increases by 90 euros every second!

No envy please!

This means around 5400 euros per minute, 324000 euros each hour, 7776000 euros a day

Implies about 54432000 euros a week (that's 54 million and 432000 thousand euros)

Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah ... President of the richest country in the world
Popular, lavish, ... uses gold in everything
Was born literally eating with spoons made of gold
Clothes worn embroidered with gold and silver

These are some pictures of his palace ...

The largest and most luxurious palace in the world...

Consists of 1788 rooms with some furnished in gold and diamond-encrusted
257 bath inlaid with gold and silver
and a garage to accommodate 110 cars
The palace has 650 suites ... each furnished at not less than 150,000 thousand euros
This requires the visitor to spend 24 hours just to inspect each room for 30 seconds

The Sultan of Brunei's plane

Most luxurious aircraft in the world, inlaid with gold
The Sultan has also a Boeing 747 worth a hundred million dollars,

and then re-designed as a home at a cost of more than one hundred and twenty million dollars.

Featured add-ons such as a whirlpool bath of pure gold
He also has six small aircraft and two helicopters.

One of the cars of theSultan of Brunei

At the special request of the Sultan of Brunei,

theRolls Royce company
combined their car designs with that of Porsche.
This vehicle is currently in London
for use during his stay in Britain

Sultan of Brunei car inlaid with pure gold

he has
531 Mercedes-Benzes
367 Ferraris
362 Bentleys
185 BMWs
177 Jaguars
160 Porsches
130 Rolls-Royces
And 20 Lamborghinis

Bringing the total number of his cars to 1,932



  1. May Allah give him Hidayath, the Wealth he got it is AMANATH ( it is all of Allah) he cannot spend as per his wishes. How he answers the question in Qhayamath regarding the Wealth.
    He would have spend his health in the path of Allah, by controlling his wishes.

  2. Assalamu Alaikkum, why can't someone dare to remind him of his Almighty Allah's Ayath warning us not to be lavish & exravagant
